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 DKLA Design
Turquoise Hummer
MIXED MEDIA recycled aluminum & copper, hand painted with clear coat


Birds invite the past and the future and thus constitute a kind of language. Birds invite the past because they are descendants of dinosaurs. Biologically, birds today represent that distant reptilian past. Birds also invoke the future because they are ascendant. By occupying the sky, birds come to represent the space where the future lies, just beyond our grasp. If we can attain a birds-eye-view, we can see more of what lies ahead.

"We love what we do. We love the animals and the natural environments that inspire our artworks. We love connecting with the communities where our sculptures are located. And we love bringing something of beauty into the world that resonates with the viewer. As a company, our mission is to activate public space while bringing nature into human consciousness."
-Don Kennell

"We believe that space matters to human feelings and human endeavors. We believe that life is better when people feel connected to each other and to the places where we live. That connection makes people care about their community. When people care, life is better." -Lisa Adler

Our designs draw people in, to develop a relationship that connects the viewer to the place and the art becomes a part of a person’s experience. This synergy between the location, the artwork and viewer is significant. It is the goal of public art: to bring art into peoples’ lives.

Pop Gallery is pleased to represent DKLA Designs in Santa Fe, NM. We work with designers and private collectors on commission and personal projects, for indoor or outdoor use. Direct inquiries to or by phone to 505.820.0788.

© 2014 Pop Gallery Santa Fe | 125 Lincoln Avenue Suite 111 | | Site by Meridiansix
All images and information in this site are property of POP SANTA FE LLC and may not be used without written permission