Even though one aspect of Judy's work is enchantment and wonder, she also uses symbolism to show the connection of life and spirit; to show the importance of diversity, the intelligence of the animals, and the relationship we each have to all living things. "Life is full of beauty, if not a little magical".
Painting allows me to explore my imagination. It takes a small amount of courage for me to reveal my inner stories, but I invite you into my world where animals come alive, and eccentricities are born. I want to engage your imagination along with mine in endless possibilities. I hope to encourage you to dream your own dreams.
In my work I want to show the connection between life and spirit and the importance of diversity. I also hope to reveal the intelligence of animals and the relationship we each have to all living things.
Pop Gallery is pleased to represent Shreve exclusively in Santa Fe, NM. Direct inquiries to or by phone to 505.820.0788.